KowCompany | Best Practices
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Best Practices

Technology & Tools

Technology and tools are our most important partners in our efforts to maintain efficiency and quality of our works. Unlike other ordinary companies, we have invested substantially in trucks, tools, and ICT equipment’s, for example, goods and vehicle tracking systems for purposes of adding value to our clients through efficiency of communication, operations, goods tracking, etc.

Continuous Improvement

Aligned with our vision to become the most reliable and cost-efficient and for purposes of adapting to the changing trends of business, we highly embrace the concept of continuous improvement. As evidence, our staffs go through regular training designed to improve their soft and ICT skills.

Additionally, we often upgrade software or hardware of our ICT equipment’s to adapt to (or comply with) changing trends of the industries we operate.

We Comply with the Law

KCL and its employees are committed to comply with the requirements of the law, wherever the company operates. KCL will refrain from doing business with such associates who do not have high standards of ethical conduct and do not comply with the law.


We Do Business with Fairness and Integrity

KCL and its employees will always act with dignity and integrity when doing business.


We maintain high quality of customer service

KCL strives to provide their customers with a high level of service and to constantly act to improve the quality of our service.

We improve constantly As a commercial company striving for excellence, KCL sets challenging goals and make every effort to meet them.


We protect our assets

KCL’s employees will use the company’s assets carefully and efficiently.


We maintain confidentiality

KCL’s employees will protect the company’s information and keep it confidential, as well as avoid using inside information for any purpose other than work related.


We create an enhancing work environment

KCL strives to create an equitable and enhancing work environment, to ensure equal employment opportunities, to provide its employees with a safe and hygienic workplace, and to protect its employees from any form of sexual harassment or discrimination.


We support the community

KCL encourages strong connections and contribution to communities, and supports communal and social causes and organizations.


We care about the environment

KCL conducts its business with maximum consideration for environmental impact and to protect the environment on the global level.

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